Our paint overspray removal service will remove overspray from car paint and much more. We will have to quote this service for you based on a few different factors. The average price for paint overspray removal depends on the severity of the overspray, where it is located, and type of paint that is on your vehicle.
Schedule a paint overspray removal quote. If you have dealt with latex paint overspray, oil paint overspray, primer overspray we can quote out complete removal. Our overspray removal service can be done via mobile service where we come to you, or your vehicle can be dropped off at our shop for severe cases. Our service is safe for paint, windows, rubber, trims, plastic, and much more. Once services are completed on your car, truck or SUV, we will wax the car completely. This service will remove any marring or light scratches, leaving a perfect finish post overspray removal.